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May 02, 2007


David Cohen

Interesting thoughts Niel. Glad I facilitate getting two really smart dudes in a room and talking. The power of that never ceases to amaze me. Told ya you'd like Dennis. ;-)

David Henderson

Mmmmm folksonomy based content targeting.... interesting!

My guess is it would perform about as good as contextual ads. It's just people (folksonomy) tagged content rather than Google algorithmically (contextually) tagged content.

The problem with content targeting is that it is about the context of the page/content not the context of the user. That's why it gets a 0.1% clickthrough rate.... or another way to view it is it fails 99.9% of the time.

Now delicious does have a lot of context about its users. Like what pages they think are important enough to tag, and when and what they tag them. Yahoo also has a lot more context about it's users across all Yahoo the services. Now we're talking! Yahoo could also expand it's user clickstream knowledge beyond Yahoo by enabling Web History (a la Google) in it's search tool bar.

This is where we're all headed here - attention recording - recently legitimized by Google. The big question in my mind is who's going to control the aggregation and use of this data? Yahoo? Google? Experian? Visa? Me.dium? or the user? Who's in control? Who should be in control?

Welcome to attention economy! ;-)

Brendan Lally

Nice matchup logic by delicous tags back to origonation site thats already "known"

If Yahoo (or others) could do better context extraction and categorisation (semantics web :) then that would help out a lot. Don't hold your breath too long.


Stan James

I love your concept of delicious as inverse-wikipedia. Del has a record of the *union* of every page that has *something* to do with a a topic, Wiki has a record of the *intersection* of all that data.

I fear the analogy breaks down, however, in that wikipedia is always editing itself and (mostly) spam resistant. The set of pages with a given tag cannot be edited, discussed or corrected. E.g. see the spam in this list:

Were delicious tags factored into primary search results, delicious would be spammers new #1 target.

Still, we at Lijit will be using delicious tags in quite a similar fashion, using the existing API to get the tags for a given page. E.g.

The whole thing recalls to mind Greg Yardleys post when delicious was purchased: "Do they have the cojones to use the tagging within del.icio.us - a pretty good measure of interest, importance, and subject matter - to modify their main search results?" (http://www.yardley.ca/blog/index.php/archives/2005/12/09/meaning-of-the-delicious-acquisition/)

(Glad you're blogging again, Mr. Marketer!)

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